Testing Information

Mrs. Stephanie Teri is the Testing Coordinator at James Monroe. In August, the Work Keys Business Writing test was offered to students in Grade 11 who still needed to meet their Writing SOL graduation requirement. This test is a state-approved SOL substitute test that may give students credit towards their Writing SOL. In September, we will offer the Work Keys Business Writing test to students enrolled in English 10.

PSAT: Every student in Grades 10 and 11 will have the opportunity to take the PSAT on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The fee for this test will be paid for by FCPS, and the test will be administered at school. Students must register with Mrs. Teri by September 6 to be eligible to take this test.

AP Exams: Information was sent home to all Advanced Placement students about the AP exams. Students often benefit from taking the AP exams since most colleges use the scores to award college credit. Directions on how to register and pay for the exams were included in the flyer. Our first in-school fee collection day will be September 25, during lunch waves. To be eligible to test, the student must pay a minimum deposit of $40 for the exam prior to November 1. The total cost of each exam is $99. Students wanting to register or needing more information should see Mrs. Teri.

ASVAB CEP Military Entrance Exam: The ASVAB will be administered on November 6. This test is a free, non-obligation, assessment that includes a Career Exploration Program. This program allows students to learn about a variety of career fields whether they are interested in pursuing post-secondary education, work-based learning, or the military. Students who are interested in taking the ASVAB should sign up in the Counseling office or with Mrs. Teri in Room 108.

Here is the testing calendar for 2024-25:

9/16 - 9/20

WorkKeys Business Writing for English 10


WorkKeys Business Writing for qualifying seniors

9/23 - 9/27

CTE Workplace Readiness


AP Exam Fee Collection during lunch waves

9/30 - 10/11

Benchmark Testing


AP Exam Fee Collection during lunch waves

10/16 - 10/17

Workplace Documents for eligible students

10/21 - 10/25

Fall Writing SOL retakes for qualifying students


PSAT for registered 10th and 11th graders

10/31 - 11/1

AP Exam Fee Collection during lunch waves — $40 deposit due

11/4 - 11/8

TG Writing SOL Paper second attempt



11/18 - 11/22

WorkKeys Business Writing for English 9


WorkKeys Business Writing for qualifying seniors

12/2 - 12/6

TG Writing SOL Online second attempt

12/9 - 12/20

Benchmark Testing


AP Exam Fee Collection during lunch waves


WorkKeys Business Writing retakes for qualifying students

1/13 - 2/7

Fall SOLs retakes for qualifying students

2/3 - 2/28



WorkKeys Business Writing Retakes for qualifying students

2/24 - 3/6

Benchmark Test

2/27 - 2/28

AP Exam Fee Collection during lunch waves

3/3 - 3/6

Spring Writing SOL — eligible English 11 students


AP Exam Fee Collection during lunch waves — final payment due

3/12 - 3/13

Workplace Documents for eligible students

3/17 - 3/21

TG Writing SOL Paper second attempt


Workplace Documents for eligible students

4/7 - 4/11

TG Writing SOL Online second attempt

4/7 - 4/11

CTE — WISE Testing


Earth Science and Chemistry SOL


Algebra II and Geometry SOL


Reading SOL


World History I and World Geography SOL


World History II and Virginia US History SOL


Algebra I SOL


Biology SOL

5/5 - 5/16

Benchmark Testing


AM - AP Biology; PM - Macroeconomics


AM - AP Chemistry, Human Geography; PM - AP Government


AM - AP English Literature and Composition


AM - AP Statistics


AM - AP United States History; PM - AP Macroeconomics


AP Art and Design Portfolio submissions due


PM - AP Environmental Science


AM - AP English Language and Composition


AM - AP Spanish Language and Culture


AM - AP Physics 1; PM - AP Psychology