Interim Principal Wheeler's Weekly Update

First and foremost, I want to thank our amazing students for such a warm welcome last week. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know them during arrival, dismissal, and lunchtime—I’m truly enjoying being part of the Hugh Mercer family!

This week, we have a full week of school, and it’s the perfect time to show persistence as we push through important work and prepare for upcoming benchmark assessments. I know each one of our students can and will do a fantastic job on these tests!

  • Tuesday, February 25: 5th Grade Literacy Benchmark

  • Thursday, February 27: 5th Grade Math Benchmark

  • Friday, February 28: 4th Grade Math Benchmark

  • Tuesday, March 4: 2nd & 3rd Grade Math Benchmark, 4th Grade Literacy, and 5th Grade Science

  • Wednesday, March 5: 2nd & 3rd Grade Literacy Benchmark and 4th Grade Virginia Studies Benchmark

Parents, here’s how you can help your child succeed during testing:

  • Make sure they get a good night’s sleep before each test.

  • Provide a nutritious breakfast at home or encourage them to eat breakfast at school.

  • Ensure they arrive on time and are present each day to help create a smooth, disruption-free testing environment.

  • If possible, try to schedule appointments for the afternoon on testing days to avoid interruptions.

If your child will be absent, please make sure to communicate with the school so we can arrange any necessary make-up testing. Attendance Notes

Looking Ahead:

  • Wednesday, February 26: Kindergarten Registration from 5:00–7:00 PM at the Walker-Grant Center

  • Monday, March 3 - Thursday, March 6: Read Across America Week and Book Fair (open during Literacy Night!)

  • Wednesday, March 5: Literacy Night from 6:00–7:00 PM (More info coming home this week!)

  • Thursday, March 6: End of Quarter 3

  • Friday, March 7: No School (teacher workday)

  • Friday, March 21: Report cards sent home

I’m excited to begin another great week at Hugh Mercer and look forward to continuing to work together to support our students. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything—I’m here to help!

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Mrs. Wheeler