iteach: Alternative Teacher Certification

The nation's leading provider of teacher preparation.

iteach is the nation's leading provider of high-quality teacher training. Leveraging asynchronous learning and classroom support, iteach provides a nationally accredited program that produces exceptional teachers while reducing barriers to the teaching profession.

  • 29, 580 program completers

  • 11 states where iteach operates

  • 91% Effective on Overall Impact and Demonstrated Teaching Skill

  • 99.26% would hire another iteach teacher candidate

  • 54 Virginia partnering school divisions and growing

29,580+ teachers trained!

iteach is approved in Virginia to offer certifications in:

  • Elementary Education

  • Special Education: General Curriculum K-12 and Adaptive

  • Secondary Education (more information on iteach website)

The Virginia iteach route to licensure supports two types of candidates:

  1. Teachers already holding a Virginia state-issued provisional license who need to complete their full licensure requirements

  2. Future teachers seeking a first-time Virginia state provisional license on their road to full licensure

Fredericksburg City Public Schools is a proud partner of iteach.

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Source: iteach